

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Mia Bella, Reading MA

(摄影:Ben Gancsos Studio)

This Reading home––a manifestation of the client’s vision for preserving a historic feel, while molding it to fit the modern life of a young couple––is nothing if not dynamic.

建于1817年左右 帕克,梭伦·安森公司––noted in 1980 by the Reading Historical Commission––possesses a rich history that sets it apart in a town now full of new-builds. The original owner of the regal home was a master carpenter specializing in cabinetry, while his son manufactured furniture––an industry that was essential to Reading at the time. A project of such prowess calls for a passionate 和 highly skilled crew which led the eager clients to 红杉定制建筑商卡明斯架构 & 内饰.

虽然对各种工作都开放, 红杉资本, 由夫妻二人掌舵, 帕特里克和凯特琳·奥肖内西, 有一定的修复技巧吗. And when paired with principal architect Mat Cummings of 卡明斯架构, 结果肯定是独特的迷人, as illustrated by this three-story Federal Style residence located atop a hill in the historic milltown of Reading.   

“We started a relationship with Mat several years ago,” says Patrick O’Shaughnessy. “He definitely has his system down in regards to researching the home, underst和ing its history 和 salvaging as much as possible when it comes to moldings, 重新利用和修复.”  

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Beth O'Brien Photography, Reading MA(摄影:Beth O'Brien Photography)

装修分阶段进行. 从更换窗户开始, a new roof 和 custom wood gutters that blend seamlessly with the crown molding at the roof line, the revamp continued indoors with a full renovation of the interior. An addition fitted with a Pergola-covered patio was later added to complete the space.

The clients had an interest in restoring a home 和 saw great potential in the charming––albeit weathered—property located close enough, 但不要离城市太近. “在我们开始工作之前, 妻子不喜欢这个地方,帕特里克·奥肖内西评论道, 微笑. “屋里通风很好. 天气很冷. 什么都没起作用.“但在项目进行到一半的时候, it took on a new significance: a space initially envisioned for two would soon be home to three. “By the end, it was their nest 和 it was ready for their baby,” says Caitlin O’Shaughnessy.

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Beth O'Brien Photography, Reading MA(摄影:Beth O'Brien Photography)

虽然客户可能已经准备好要搬进来了, 那座木结构的古色古香的房子还没有完全建成. 它有自己的挑战和怪癖:有些需要TLC, 但有很多是团队可以合作的, 比如八个工作壁炉, 滑动口袋百叶窗和令人惊叹的中央楼梯. 

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Mia Bella, Reading MA(摄影:Mia Bella Photography)

“I think one of the more challenging things was the restoration of all the brickwork 和 getting the fireplaces operable,帕特里克·奥肖内西评论道. “我们进行了抢救,并保留了很多作品, but we were relining 和 rebuilding the chimneys pretty much from the second floor up through the roof.”

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Mia Bella, Reading MA
(摄影:Mia Bella Photography)
Managing to keep all eight of the original chimneys intact 和 central to the home was a win, 但现在这意味着厨房必须去别的地方. 为了避免破坏原有的建筑, the team created the schematics for an addition off the back of the house. “Mat's goal was to preserve the original layout,帕特里克·奥肖内西评论道.  “他喜欢保持这种历史结构.”

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Beth O'Brien Photography, Reading MA(摄影:Beth O'Brien Photography)

Traditionally in a Federal Style home, there are four rooms 和 a central staircase. To keep this footprint while reimagining the home for a modern lifestyle, it takes more than a little ingenuity from both the architect 和 the builder.

Two years later, the home is everything one might have envisioned. Just a few of the interior’s highlights include a stunning fireplace-clad primary bath; a third floor with two bedrooms, a bath 和 bonus room featuring brick chimneys; an original working wood-fired oven; 和 a central staircase that, 据凯特琳·奥肖内西说, 简单地说, “欢迎回家!”  

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Mia Bella, Reading MA(摄影:Mia Bella Photography)

这可能需要更多的时间和更多的耐心, but preserving the historic charm of an antique home makes the restoration process worth the while.

红杉定制建筑商, 卡明斯架构, Ben Gancsos Studio, Reading MA(摄影:Ben Gancsos Studio)

