


作为家的中心,厨房天生就很舒适. It’s the family gathering spot; the place where we all take a break from our busy lives and allow our senses to come alive. Still, some kitchens are warmer than others; we look at five kitchens that are as cozy as they come. 煎饼单独出售. 



Kitchen design: Venegas和公司; interior design by Jennifer Palumbo 室内设计; photo by Michael 李

对于一个 滑雪的房子 在斯托山, Venegas和公司 厨房设计工作室和陈列室, 与Jennifer Palumbo室内设计公司合作, 为家人和朋友创造了一个令人满意的厨房. 位于云杉峰缆车的顶端, the space was designed to fortify its homeowners and guests before they hit the slopes and serve as an enticing hangout après-ski. 欢乐的开放式房间在质感和色调上是一间书房, warmed by a gas fireplace by the island on one side and a great room beside the trees on the other.


Kitchen design: Venegas和公司; interior design by Jennifer Palumbo 室内设计; photo by Michael E. 李

外, 除了宏伟的画面之外,伍德西的景色引人注目, 但在, 这是欧洲的苹果饰面, 岛屿和酒吧那是“吸引注意力的地方”,Venegas和公司的校长唐娜·维内加斯说. 的 伍德的丰富之美 是在横向蜿蜒穿过木头的纹理中制造出来的吗,她解释道, 最深的张力与头顶上深色胡桃木的横梁相匹配. 木头, 还有壁炉上粗糙的石头, 石灰石火柴棍后挡板, 黄油般柔软的酒吧凳和照明设备, 创造一种有机的成熟情绪.


Kitchen design: Venegas和公司; interior design by Jennifer Palumbo 室内设计; photo by Michael 李

厨房既实用又舒适. 一个独特的, t形岛是“关系岛”,” says Venegas; inviting camaraderie by allowing diners to face one another. It also serves to include the chef, who is working at the top counter, in conversation. 的 room caters to numbers with a bar to the left of the fireplace and a breakfast center housed in appliance garages to the right. 这 炉边设计 不只是赏心悦目吗, it allows those grabbing a light bite or pouring Hot Toddies to do so without disturbing the cook. 


Kitchen design: Venegas和公司; interior design by Jennifer Palumbo 室内设计; photo by Michael 李



建筑的厨房; architecture by Nicholaeff建筑设计事务所; interior design by 曼努埃尔·德·圣塔伦; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

据多里夫·尼古拉夫校长所说 Nicholaeff建筑设计事务所上面的灵感厨房是海滨住宅的中心. 虽然开放和通风, 圆形的形式给设计一种亲密的感觉, enfolding inhabitants in a sort of embrace—whether there are two people seated at the table or eight.

在一起 建筑的厨房 室内设计师 曼努埃尔·德·圣塔伦,尼科拉夫推动了科学的边界 传统的看 客户喜欢,我们可能会补充说,圆润的边缘. “你可以把这个厨房变得非常现代,尼科尔夫说, but the team kept it largely classic with a toasty palette of neutrals accentuated by Emperador Dark marble counters.

的 home is wrapped with arcing windows and doors “to capture as much light as we could,尼科尔夫说. So not only do the homeowners get to bask in panoramic views from the kitchen, 他们感到源源不断的阳光.



电器和照片由克拉克提供,新英格兰的官方零度以下 & 狼陈列室和测试厨房; kitchen design by Westborough Design Center

的 stone fireplace alone doesn’t make this traditional kitchen so cozy (though it certainly doesn’t hurt.). 这是整体构图——质朴的宽阔松木地板, 重木梁, fresh-as-cream-橱柜 and oversized center island—that gives it a nurturing, 星期天早晨感觉像一周七天.

Claudette Andrew of Westborough Design Center has created a haven for a busy family that loves to cook and spend time together and filled it with top-tier amenities from 克拉克. A 沃尔夫对流蒸汽烤箱,壁式烤箱和灶台, as well as seamless integrated refrigeration from Sub-Zero with plenty of storage, 给了这个家庭所有的烹饪优势.

Part of the kitchen’s appeal stems from weaving in elements with “living room” comfort. 多亏了它周到的建筑细节, the seating area of the island was designed to feel like a piece of furniture. Coupled with a crackling fire, it gives the family even more reason to come together.



Cabinetry: Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; architecture: DSK | Dewing Schmid Kearns 365体育官网客户端 + Planners; construction: J.W. Adams Construction; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

As the Shaker song goes, ’Tis a gift to be simple, and we couldn’t agree more. When a couple caught a glimpse of a beautiful barn in Concord that had been transformed by architect Chip Dewing of DSK | Dewing Schmid Kearns and builder Jeff Adams of J.W. 亚当斯建筑公司 橱柜 by Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商 (KR+H), they wanted the same team for the renovation of their newly purchased carriage house.


Cabinetry: Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; architecture: DSK | Dewing Schmid Kearns 365体育官网客户端 + Planners; construction: J.W. Adams Construction; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

厨房将被安置在以前的马厩和, 像这样, President Paul Reidt of KR+H knew immediately to keep the bones and spirit alive. 橱柜,精雕细琢 平锯樱桃 干净利落, 是为了纪念马的住处而设计的吗, 有关键细节, 就像每个摊位顶上的花一样, 不仅保存,而且庆祝. 


Cabinetry: Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; architecture: DSK | Dewing Schmid Kearns 365体育官网客户端 + Planners; construction: J.W. Adams Construction; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

从木头的转动到 定制的详细说明, 厨房里的艺术作品一点也不简单, 然而,这里有一个精简版, 回到最基本的本质,那是令人愉快和美妙的. 该空间对过去的尊重是其未来的一部分, 这里有明显的感激之情, 没有比这更暖心的了. 



皇冠尖柜; construction by Presby Construction

作为这个的所有者 乡村厨房 新罕布什尔州的人会告诉你, the first thing that draws guests into their kitchen is “sheer curiosity.“而且理由很充分. 它的框架是18世纪末的框架th-century barn discovered in the neighboring town of Lyman, and the room inside is a visual feast. 还有粗糙的松木, 滑石计数器, 一个谷仓红色的奶色小岛,上面覆盖着枫木, knotty cherry cabinets crafted by 皇冠尖柜 and weathered copper, there is a host of charming—and meaningful—features within this farmhouse-style kitchen.


皇冠尖柜; construction by Presby Construction

在他们中间? A copper-topped alcove comprised of reclaimed water-struck bricks from a factory in Lowell, 麻萨诸塞州, 有两个系列, vintage stained glass windows (one handcrafted by the owner’s mother) that glow in orange and amber, as well as an oversized “pantry” of wall cabinets atop apothecary-style drawers that 可以 accommodate up to 25 pounds of grains, 豆子。, 面粉和糖.


皇冠尖柜; construction by Presby Construction

厨房的农业风味是正宗的. 这家七口人放弃了食物, restaurant and meat-processing industries for the fruit of their own labors, 他们自己用有机原料做饭. “从培根到面包, 苹果酒,天使头发,意大利面,调味品,罐头食品,“准备的食物都是自己动手做的, 很多食材都是业主自己种植的.


皇冠尖柜; construction by Presby Construction

自然, the family needed a workhorse of a kitchen that 可以 function as many hands wash, 烤, 可以, 准备和烹饪. Custom copper sinks are situated near the ranges and refrigerators for convenience, and the central island features a cutting board surface for communal chopping and dicing. 一个较小的岛屿用作烘焙站, 那里的老板揉面包和擀馅饼面团, 作为一个肉店柜台,还能做很多事情, when an enormous custom cut polyethylene cutting board stretches over its surface. 


皇冠尖柜; construction by Presby Construction

领导形象: 皇冠尖柜; construction by Presby Construction
